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Benjamin Yeoh Interviews Me (Podcast)

Covering what Tyler gets wrong about existential risk, economic growth, declining fertility rates, Germany's "tall poppy syndrome," and more.

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The Economics of Decoupling

America’s economic dependence on China creates a security vulnerability. But tariffs are royally ineffective at mitigating this vulnerability. I consider the underlying informational problem.

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Against Netflix

Too many great minds waste away their time watching Netflix. Worse, we have made that culturally acceptable. For a TV-temperance movement.

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Europe’s Political Stupor

On the European obsession with America, the dearth of the political on the Continent, and the downsides of homogeneity.

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The Risks of Stagnation (Article for Works in Progress)

Human activity and new technologies can be dangerous, threatening the very survival of humanity. Does that mean economic growth is inherently risky?